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About Us

With backgrounds in venture capital, advertising, finance, technology and university education, we are two committed Catholic Christians seeking to lead humble Christian lives in the complex and often hostile secular world. We drink coffee and discuss life, business, culture, family and education through a Christian lens. 

COFFEE (kaw-fee): a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of tropical evergreen coffee plants. We drink it.

COMMERCE (kom-urs): (1) social intercourse and exchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments;  (2) the activity of buying and selling goods and services. We do it. ​

CATECHESIS (kat-uh-kee-sis): basic Christian religious education and a life-long process of conversion, formation and learning. We need it. 

The Hosts

Travis Callaway Coffee, Commerce & Catechesis
Travis Callaway
Rigel Raju Coffee, Commerce & Catechesis
Rigel Raju

Has worked in private equity investing, real estate, venture capital, technology and advertising.

Completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Technology, a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Financial Services and part of the Chartered Financial Analyst program. Sort of a nerd but less so than Travis, and has a social life.

Husband, father and mountain hiking and international traveling enthusiast.

Lifelong Catholic. 

Has worked in venture capital, entertainment, asset management, advertising, academia and technology.

Completed a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Master of Business Administration degree, the Chartered Financial Analyst program and part of a Bachelor of Laws degree (dropout!). Currently completing a Master of Theological Studies degree. Big nerd.

Husband, father and CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien superfan.

Raised Protestant (Baptist), became an agnostic pretending to be a (cultural) Christian, then a longtime practical atheist, then a "seeker" looking for truth, then had a temporary stop in Anglicanism and then finally converted to Catholicism.


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